Sunday, June 20, 2010

Falcon in Flight

This is a piece I did, and am still finishing, for a gentleman who came across my work on Google images. He found my Blog and emailed me requesting a falcon not unlike the Peregrine Falcon portrait he found online. He said he wanted a drawing of the same species of falcon in mid-flight, and I told him I would be more than happy to. I did several quick studies and really loved this pose, it gave the impression of the bird banking slightly into the wind, most likely due to seeing prey. It is one of those pieces that I enjoyed drawing so much that it will be of some pain to send it to its owner. The comfort knowing that this gentleman liked my work so much that he sought me out to have one of his own. I still want to do some light rendering on it, and possibly a flat tone to accentuate the dark blue/gray that the falcon has on its entire back. Seeing as its a commissioned piece, I feel that leaving it up to the client is important. I'll post the final piece as soon as I've completed it.

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