Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Froogal Flakes" rough

"Froogal Flakes" is the name of my thesis project that I will be working on during the summer and then producing and documenting over the year. Froogal Flakes is a 3D animated short that satirizes the cartoon cereal commercial. It's about a Scottish cereal that is hawked by the "Scott" (current short-hand name) who is an angry, cheap, crazy Scotsman that yells and endorses his product with the help of his mascot; a one eyed pitiful goat. This is a gag driven short and I haven't nailed down any concrete story.
I want to list a lot of hanging possible gags...

- For the opening I'm thinking about a 50's black n white style introduction that involves an innocent "Leave it to Beaver"-like character, "jeeze misters" and all.
If I do end up using the child in the final, I want to have the "Scott" treat him like crap, yell at him constantly, and eventually knock him unconscious.
-At some point ( 3/4s probably) I want the "Scott" to address his competition (parodies of current cereal mascots, including "Lucky"). Cardboard cut outs of each of these pop up and Scott takes a golf club to each of them, and yes accidentally hits the young kid. Oh, and while Scott is breaking these cut outs, he's also breaking them apart by saying all the wonderful mascots, marshmallows, and wonderful prizes are not what any kid would want.

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